Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Viva La Diva!

While I'm sharing pictures of our puppies, I thought I'd share one of my favorite Eskie (American Eskimo Dog) puppy. Her name is Diva - because she thinks she is one. Diva was an "only puppy" and is totally spoiled.

The Beginning

I thought I'd share my newest puppies with you. There are two of them, both boys, named Jacob and Edward. I named them after two of the main characters in the Twilight Saga. Jacob is the bi black puppy on your left and Edward is the bi blue puppy on the right. Both are Shelties (Shetland Sheepdogs).
They are the cutest (and nosiest) puppies! They chase each other all over the house barking and playing. Right now they are playing keep away with a stuffed duck that quacks.